Monday, October 18, 2010

Menu Plan for Oct. 18-24

Last week, to go with my Peanut Satay that I made, I also made Cold Sesame Noodles from All You Magazine. Yum!

Apples are on sale so I plan to use some in some recipes this week.

Here's what I have planned for the week:

  • Taco Pasta

  • Chicken Curry with Spinach and Rice

  • Leftovers

  • Garlicy Shrimp Pasta

I think that's good. Were going to my In-laws for the weekend so there is no need to cook too much before we leave. I can almost guarantee that leftovers will be Thursday night.

For more menu planning inspiration check out Org Junkie’s Menu Plan Monday!

Recipes I'd like to try

I am always looking of the Internet for inspirational ideas for dinner because I have to admit, it can be a struggle to come up with ideas that keep me excited to cook. I do like food, that's never the problem, and I enjoy cooking but I also don't like it to be boring. So, here are a few that caught my eye this week:

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Menu Plan for Oct. 12-17

My menu planning isn't going so well but, at least I'm trying! I only made the chili (which was only as hard as pulling it out of the freezer) last week and of course we had leftovers. I am going to try it again this week...

  • Freezer French Toast I put this together this morning and we're having breakfast for dinner tonight (again).

  • Slow Cooker Mozzarella Meatloaf  and Mashed Potatoes  because I didn't get to it last week.

  • OR maybe I'll make Meatloaf Cups

  • Peanut Satay

  • Italian Sausage with pasta - not sure yet what my plan is but I want to use this sausage because it's taking up space in the freezer

  • Leftovers

  • Carnitas - from the freezer

For more menu planning inspiration check out Org Junkie’s Menu Plan Monday!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Menu Plan for Oct. 6-10

I am always looking for my normal.... What is normal?

Here I am again making an effort to come up with a menu plan on a Wednesday, oh well!

I think that's a good start to get back into menu planning. I realize that's not even enough meals for the rest of the but I don't want to feel trapped by my own plan.

Another list of recipes I'd like to try: